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Fill this out as you watch the video. Your instructor may use this material on a test or quiz.

  1. All living organisms are composed of ____________________.
  2. Complex organisms consist of only a few different types of cells. T F
  3. Plant cells have ____________________ major structures not seen in animal cells. They are:

  5. Green plastids seen in leaf cells are ______________________. In them, the process of ___________________________________ occurs. This process releases what two major products?


  7. Animals have more fewer types of specialized cells than do plants.

  8. A kingdom of single-celled organisms separate from plants and animals are the _________________________. (note: in 1999, we are rethinking kingdom definitions!)
  9. Cells of plants, animals, and protists consist of three separate regions, which are:

  11. The plasma membrane allows a cell to control ____________________________________________.

  12. Cytoplasm consists of watery ____________________ and small bodies called ____________________.
  13. Organelles can be seen with what kind of microscope? dissecting light electron
  14. The"energy-generating" organelle in cells is the ______________________. This energy is put into the form of the energy molecule __________________________.
  15. The internal space of _______________________________ contains digestive enzymes to break down large food particles.
  16. Protists especially use lysosomes to break down nutrients contained in ________________________.
  17. On the membranes that divide up the interior of the cell, ___________________________ are the sites of new protein synthesis.
  18. The folded cytoplasmic membranes that surround the nucleus are known as ________________________________________________________.
  19. Folded membrane structures called the _____________________ can create"packages" that fuse with the plasma membrane to export materials.
  20. Study with the electron microscope has shown that the cytoplasm contains a _____________________ to offer structural support.
  21. Other proteins are involved in cell movements. In muscle cells, the proteins ____________________ and ____________________ use ATP in order to contract.
  22. Sliding ____________________ are used in cell movement.
  23. Microtubules are quite visible as the hair-like structures of ______________________.
  24. The giant information molecule stored in the cell's nucleus is _____________________.
  25. The nucleus keeps in communication with the cell via ______________________________________.
  26. When a cell is dividing, the DNA (and protein) is coiled up into forms called ___________________.
  27. The visible _______________________ in the nucleus makes ribosome components.
  28. Cells date from at least __________________________ billion years ago.
  29. Bacteria and other cells without nuclei are called ______________________________________ cells.
  30. The first major forms of life were what kinds of cells? prokaryotic eukaryotic
  31. A popular theory of how cells obtained organelles is based on the concept of ___________________________________, or when two forms of life live together.
  32. By ___________ billion years ago, _______________________________ cells are visible as fossils.
  33. Many scientists presume that ____________________________________ are the intermediates between single-celled and multicelled organisms.


|main page| |background| |03028: Physiology| |03048: Anatomy|

|03050: Invertebrate Zoology| |03051: Vertebrate Zoology| |03074: Economic Botany|


Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu


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Copyright 1999 by Wilson Crone

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This page updated on September 15, 1999