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Third Lecture Exam in Vertebrate Zoology, Biology 03051, Spring 2000

Dr. W. Crone (303 FTZ, 629-7439, cronewil@hvcc.edu, http://www.hvcc.edu/academ/faculty/crone/index.html)

Week 12: Tuesday, April 11, 12:55-1:55+ P.M. Bring sharpened #2 pencils--I do not supply them! Furthermore, I will take one point off for each place that you do not put your name (first and fifth page, Scantron form).

Item to note: Friday 4/14 of week 12 is the last day to withdraw from classes

This third exam will cover materials covered in the lecture and text for weeks 8-11. I would recommend that you are comfortable with your lecture notes, lecture handouts, and additional topics covered by homework #3.

Aspects especially to remember:

Week 8, BIRDS: major features, relationships to dinosaurs, feathers, skeletons, wing types and flight, heart and circulation, respiration, mating habits, types of young

Week 9, MAMMALS: origin of mammals, major features, skin, skeleton, teeth, backbone, heart and circulation (including fetal), social behavior, reproduction: monotremes vs. marsupials vs. eutherians

Week 10, DIGESTION: GI tract; different organs, their functions and specializations

Week 11, SKELETON: integument; cartilage vs. bone; highlights of skeletons of different classes; 3 muscle types; muscle contraction; be aware of all muscles mentioned specifically

35 multiple choice questions, 2 points each 70 points

2 essays taken from homework, 15 points each 30 points, for 100 points total

Below are three possible essay topics. I will choose two for the exam, with issues in the other one to be covered by multiple choice questions. You are expected to prepare your thoughts about these essays (the reason I'm giving them to you ahead of time), but you will not be allowed to take notes or prewritten portions of essays into the test.

  1. Why is study of the pectoral girdle so important to determine the ancestry and the relationships of the birds?
  2. Mammals have a wide variety of integumentary (skin) glands. Describe the four most common types of these epidermally-derived glands. As part of your description, compare their use/presence in a human being and another mammal (being sure to state what it is!).
  3. Describe the roles of ATP and calcium in skeletal muscle contraction. Knowing this, why do animals and people exhibit rigor mortis (muscle stiffness) soon after death?


On the next page are some sample multiple-choice questions from a previous test. The correct answers will be listed at the end on the next page. Please note that I will put one of them on the third lecture exam.

1. Which of the following bones would visually appear to be the most similar in birds compared to the human equivalent (hint: think of structure/function relationships)?

  1. humerus
  2. sternum
  3. phalanges
  4. skull
  5. pelvis


2. The most common mating system among birds is:

  1. cooperative breeding
  2. polygyny
  3. polyandry
  4. precocity
  5. monogamy


3. _____ vertebrae articulate with prominent costal processes or ribs.

  1. Sacral
  2. Thoracic
  3. Caudal
  4. Cervical
  5. Lumbar


4. Which of the following mammalian features is not structurally comparable to the other structures?

  1. nails
  2. claws
  3. antlers
  4. hooves


5. Elevated serum lipase and amylase levels (blood levels of digestive enzymes) are indicative of inflammation of the:

  1. stomach
  2. gall bladder
  3. liver
  4. pancreas
  5. appendix


6. Which of the following organisms probably has the best adaptations for digesting cellulose?

  1. cow
  2. human
  3. lamprey
  4. frog
  5. bat


answers: 1-A, 2-E, 3-B, 4-C, 5-D, 6-A


|main page| |background| |03028: Physiology| |03048: Anatomy|

|03050: Invertebrate Zoology| |03051: Vertebrate Zoology| |03074: Economic Botany|

Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu

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This web page last updated on March 14, 2000