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Review Sheet for VT 3373:"Eyewitness: Fish"

  1. There is more less variety of vertebrate life underwater than on land.
  2. There are more fewer species of fish than of other vertebrates.
  3. A ____________________ is an example of a fish that swims thousands of miles during its life cycle, from birth in a creek, to adulthood in the ocean, and back to the same creek for spawning.
  4. The first fish appear approximately __________ million years ago. These fish did not have jaws, fins, or scales, but did have ____________________.
  5. The _______________________________ is a fish that scientists thought died out 80 million years ago (during the time of the dinosaurs), but then was officially rediscovered in 1938.
  6. For the first _________________________ of its life, the young salmon stays in its stream before venturing to the sea.
  7. There are approximately _____________________________ species of bony fish, and most of them have a vast egg-laying capacity (in contrast to the cartilaginous fish).
  8. As an example of this diversity, there are __________________ species of catfish in South America.
  9. The features of a bony fish include the following:

  10. bony _______________________________ with a __________________________

  11. swim bladder for ______________________________________________________
  12. fins for ______________________________________________________________
  13. gills for ______________________________________________________________
  14. (gills have ________________ times the surface area of the fish's skin).
  15. lateral lines (fluid and jelly filled) for ________________________________________________
  16. Scales are made of ________________________ for strength, and are set up as _________________ for flexibility.
  17. Fish swim in a __________ - shaped wriggle.
  18. Fish show incredible variety of _____________________ and _________________________.
  19. Very few fish can live in both salt and fresh water; the ______________________ is one of them.
  20. A fish that can swell up very quickly by swallowing water on demand is the ___________________.
  21. Territorial fights among fish help to accomplish what goal? ________________________________
  22. In many ways the most unusual fish are those of the deep ocean. To withstand the crushing water pressure and the darkness down there, these deep-sea fish have what features?

  24. What are the modifications that a flatfish show in order to become a flattened bottom-dweller?


  26. The characteristic pink color of salmon muscles comes from its open-ocean diet of _____________.

  27. Many fish swim in ___________________________ because there is safety in numbers.
  28. Fish have keen _____________________________ in order to identify the distinctive markings of their own species.
  29. All fish are silent. T F
  30. Many fish form mutual associations with other fish and with other organisms. T F
  31. Human beings have typically looked at fish as _______________________________________.
  32. The _______________________________ is the source for the most expensive caviar.
  33. After ________________________ years in the ocean, the salmon returns to the stream where it was borne. The main sense it uses to find its way is its sense of _______________________________.
  34. Most bony fish use ____________________________ fertilization for their eggs, following elaborate mating rituals.
  35. No modern species of bony fish can move around on land. T F
  36. Out of the 3,000 to 5,000 eggs that the salmon lays, only _________________ salmon will survive to complete its life cycle.


|main page| |background| |03028: Physiology| |03048: Anatomy|

|03050: Invertebrate Zoology| |03051: Vertebrate Zoology| |03074: Economic Botany|

Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu

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Copyright 1999, 2000 by Wilson Crone

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This web page last updated on February 15, 2000