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Review Sheet for VT 3374:"Eyewitness: Amphibian"

  1. ________________________________ are creatures that live in both water and on land.

  2. The three major classes of amphibians are:

  3. ______________________________ with tails

  4. ______________________________, rarely seen limbless, tropical, burrowing creatures
  5. ______________________________, without tails
  6. ______________________ of amphibians are frogs and toads.
  7. Major differences between frogs and toads include differences in their skins.

  8. frog skin: __________________________________________________________

  9. toad skin: __________________________________________________________
  10. Both pulsate their throats to _____________________________________________.
  11. In order to move on land, frogs ______________________ and toads _____________________.
  12. Frogs can jump up to _______________ times their own length.
  13. All amphibians have _____________________ skin, and so rarely wander from water.
  14. While amphibian eyes can be colorful, they only see in _________________________________.
  15. Many amphibians are colored in hues of green and brown for _____________________________, but poison dart frogs are brightly colored for _____________________________________.
  16. Approximately _______________________ million years ago, amphibians first made the transition from land to water.
  17. Human beings have absolutely no use for amphibians. T F
  18. Amphibians prefer food that is _________________________________________________.
  19. Amphibians have _______________________________________ to help them capture food.
  20. Amphibians tend to _______________________ while swallowing, which tends to do what?
  21. _________________________________________________________________________

  22. A lungfish swims with a _____________ -wriggle, as do salamanders.

  23. In contrast, frogs use the webbing between their toes to _________________________________.
  24. A major example of an alien species and the problem it can create is the _____________________ in Australia.
  25. Frogs croak for what purpose? ____________________________________________
  26. Frogs lay and fertilize eggs in the clasping position known as ______________________________.
  27. All amphibians abandon their eggs and young and show no further care for them. T F
  28. The ___________________________ were the precursors to the other tetrapods (reptiles, birds, and mammals).


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Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu

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This web page last updated on February 15, 2000