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Review Sheet for VT 3375:"Eyewitness: Horse"

  1. The horse is one of the fastest land animals, and certainly can travel the ___________________ distances. For example, a zebra will travel up to sixty miles to find rain.
  2. Approximately 55 million years ago, the first horses were the size of _______________________. These animals lived on soft ground, so it probably isn't too surprising that they had ____________ toes in front and _________________ on their back feet.
  3. As horses evolved to live more on grasslands than in forests, the neck and legs became _________________, and there was only one ______________ instead of multiple toes on each foot.
  4. Approximately three million years ago, the modern horse genus ___________________ appeared in the fossil record.
  5. About 5000 years ago in the _________________________________, people harnessed horses to pull carts.
  6. In the wild, a horse spends about __________________ hours a day feeding, and will look up about _____________ times a day to check for predators.
  7. The horse's brain is wired mostly to direct ___________________________________________.
  8. The long skull of a horse contains many _________________________ for grinding its food.
  9. Ancient Romans produced _____________________________ to prevent hooves from wearing down on hard surfaces.
  10. In almost all cultures, horseshoes are considered to be symbols of _________________________.
  11. Around 200 BC, riders in Asia invented the _____________________________, which freed up both hands for weapons.
  12. The Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan rode small and fast _______________________________, originally from northern Africa.
  13. In contrast, in the forest lands of northern Europe, ______________________________ were popular, as large, strong, heavy workhorses.
  14. It is not surprising that _______________________________, a mixture of the two types of horse, make up the majority of modern sporting horses (except for thoroughbreds).
  15. A horse crossed with a donkey will result in a sterile _______________________________.
  16. Foals are able to move around soon after birth. T F
  17. Each zebra has its own unique striping pattern. T F
  18. Two possible advantages for zebra stripes include:

  20. A bucking bronco behaviorly is trying to _____________________________________________.

  21. Horses are solitary social mammals.
  22. What makes a horse race? ___________________________________________
  23. The height of horses is traditionally measured in ________________________________.
  24. Four different leg movements of a horse include:
  1. Horses in what is now the USA were introduced in the 16th century by ______________________.
  2. Engine output is still measured in ____________________________________.
  3. Horses can be trained to perform by their riders. T F


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This web page last updated on February 15, 2000