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Review Guide for VT 3378,"Eyewitness: Dinosaur"

  1. The largest (well, one of the largest, given recent other findings) land-dwelling carnivore was ____________________________________________________.
  2. Dinosaurs died out _______________________________ years before humans appeared on earth.
  3. The study of fossils and ancient land forms is ___________________________________________.
  4. Sir Richard Owen (involved in early concepts of biological homology) today is best known for coining the term _____________________________________________________.
  5. Dinosaurs are similar to modern-day reptiles in skin type: ___________________ and in that they laid ___________.
  6. Dinosaur leg design included the following two advances over earlier reptiles:

  8. Scientists estimate that T. rex ate its ___________________________________________ each week.

  9. The first T. rex skeleton was unearthed in the year: _________________.
  10. Chinese called dinosaur bones those of what mythological animal? ___________________________
  11. Dinosaurs first appeared _______________ million years ago (MYA) and were the dominant life form for ______________ million years.
  12. At the time of the first appearance of the dinosaurs in the fossil record, the land was one giant continent called ______________________________.
  13. All dinosaur reconstructions have been accurate. T F
  14. The dinosaurs lived in what geological era?_________________________________________
  15. The first period of that era was the ________________________. The plant life at that time:
  16. The second period of that era was the __________________________. The plant life then:
  17. The third period of that era was the _________________________. Much of western North America was _______________________________________________. What types of plants make their first major appearance in the fossil record? __________________________________________________
  18. Given that Komodo dragons show this today, some believe that the bite of T. rex was:
  19. Given their massive builds, many dinosaurs parallels (analogies?) can be seen in modern _________.
  20. The tail was used as a __________________________________ for balance in both two- and four-legged dinosaurs.
  21. The speed of a dinosaur can be calculated from dinosaur footprints or _________________ fossils.
  22. Which fossil remains tell us about eating habits?________________________________________
  23. __________ - shaped teeth in such sauropods as Brachiosaurus were presumably used to strip leaves and twigs off of tree branches.
  24. Carnivores had _______________________________-shaped teeth.
  25. What type of fossils indicate that carnivores chased after live prey?
  26. These also indicate large herds of ____________________ dinosaurs, creating a scene much like today's African ______________________________.
  27. Some dinosaurs were as small as a _____________________________________.
  28. The heaviest dinosaurs, sauropods such as Brachiosaurus, could weigh over _______________ tons.
  29. What types of dinosaurs had skeletons similar to Archaeopteryx, (one of) the first bird? _____________________________________________________
  30. Dinosaurs such as Baryonyx with its long toothy snout may indicate the dinosaur relationship to what other modern day archosaurs? ___________________________________
  31. What evidence do we have about dinosaur young, e.g., with the hadrosaur Maiasaura?
  32. Dinosaurs probably used _________________________ to communicate with their young like birds and crocodilians do today.
  33. Dinosaur head gear was probably most used for: ___________________________________, as well as for _____________________________________________ during territorial fights.
  34. What is some evidence that dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded (endothermic)?

  36. What is some evidence that dinosaurs may have been cold-blooded (ectothermic)?


  38. What are some theories about how dinosaurs died out?


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Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu


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This web page last updated on January 28, 2000