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Review Sheet for VT 3381:"Eyewitness: Bird"

  1. 250 million years ago, _______________________________ were the only flying organisms.
  2. The pterodactyls had wings made of _______________________, which were not easily repairable.
  3. The first bird (or at least, one of the first birds) was _________________________________.
  4. Reptilian features of this creature included its ________________ and its ___________________.
  5. Bird song proclaims _________________________ and attracts _________________________ instead of"proclaiming happiness."
  6. Bird bones are ________________________________________ compared to those of a land animal.
  7. The most difficult stage of flight is __________________________________________________.
  8. A example of a bird that tires rapidly in flight is the _____________________________________, in contrast to a ____________________________, which can hover in midair while sipping flowers.
  9. "Eating like a bird" is a misnomer, as birds eat very large amounts of food each day. T F
  10. Birds have a higher lower body temperature than mammals.
  11. A bird heart rate can be up to _________________________________ beats per minute.
  12. Many birds ride rising pockets of warm air or __________________________________.
  13. Birds push against _________________________________ in order to brake for landing.
  14. Unlike mechanical flying machines, birds have the capacity for ____________________________.
  15. A bird ________________________ to"zip up" gaps in its feathers.
  16. _____________________ from a preening gland helps to act as a waterproofing agent, which is particularly useful in aquatic birds.
  17. While ducklings may float within a day, they take upwards of ____________________________ to form properly waterproof feathers.
  18. Annual bird migrations can cover large distances. The arctic tern migrates from _______________________________________________________________.
  19. Penguins may be awkward on land, but ______________________________ in water.
  20. The heaviest bird alive today is the _________________________________________.
  21. Furthermore, it is the fastest bipedal (two-legged) animal on land, achieving speeds of up to _______ miles per hour.
  22. Given their"wise" appearance, owls are intellligent birds. T F
  23. Bird beaks are differently shaped to ________________________________________________.
  24. A woodpecker's beak is useful for _________________________________________________.
  25. Overall, the _______________________________________ have the greatest variety of beaks, e.g., the flamingo's beak is for dredging.
  26. Bird feathers can be very useful for: ______________________________________________.
  27. Bird courtship is followed by: ___________________________________________________.
  28. Ground nesting birds hatch in a more less developed state than tree-nesting birds.


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Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu

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This web page last updated on February 15, 2000