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Review Sheet for VT 3383:"Eyewitness: Reptile"

  1. The word"reptile" means: _______________________________________________________.
  2. The scaly skin of a reptile acts as: _________________________________________________.
  3. In terms of temperature regulation, reptiles are _______________________________________.
  4. Their main source of energy for body temperature is the _______________________________.
  5. What is the advantage of ectothermy (cold-bloodedness)?
  6. If reptiles become too warm, they can: _____________________________________________.
  7. Crocodilians __________________ to release heat, just as dogs pant.
  8. The most common type of living reptiles are the: ____________________________. These range from the moloch (thorny devil), the basilisk, to the gecko.
  9. The _______________________ is the slowest of modern day reptiles.
  10. The turtle shell is part of its _____________________________________.
  11. Sea turtles can stay up to ___________________________ underwater without taking a breath.
  12. Crocodilians are"as old as the __________________________."
  13. When swimming, crocodilians use their tail as _______________ and their feet as _____________.
  14. Crocodilians cannot chew meat, so they must _________________________________________.
  15. Differences between crocodiles and alligators include:

  17. Snakes are related to and derived from _______________________.

  18. Internal modifications that reflect a snake's elongated body include:

  20. Many snakes (particularly the largest ones) kill their prey by ______________________________.

  21. A snake flicks its tongue to ________________________________________. As part of this process, the snake uses _____________________________ in the roof of its mouth.
  22. A chameleon uses its tongue to ___________________________________.
  23. A chameleon can move its eyes independently of each other. T F
  24. Snakes listen to and are controlled by the music of a snake charmer. T F
  25. Venomous coral snakes highlight the three primary"warning colors" of nature, which are:
  26. All reptiles use the same pattern of mating behavior. T F
  27. Reptiles were the first animals to leave the water permanently. A major step in this process was laying eggs with _____________________________.
  28. Sea turtle young face few obstacles after hatching, so that most reach adulthood. T F
  29. The tuatara, a lizard-like living fossil, lives on islands off of _______________________________.
  30. The main reason for the tuatara's near extinction is _____________________________________.
  31. How do snakes eat eggs?

  33. All snakes are poisonous to humans. T F

  34. Snakes shed their skin by ________________________________________________________.
  35. The largest lizard in the world is the ________________________________________________.
  36. An alligator snapping turtle lures prey by ____________________________________________.
  37. Reptiles never eat each other. T F
  38. Some lizards can escape capture by ________________________________________________.


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|03050: Invertebrate Zoology| |03051: Vertebrate Zoology| |03074: Economic Botany|

Please send comments and questions to: cronewil@hvcc.edu

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Copyright 1999, 2000 by Wilson Crone

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This web page last updated on February 15, 2000