Morph of rhinovirus complexed with neutralizing antibodies

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Quicktime version (1596K)
This movie (created on a Macintosh computer) illustrates differences
between two 3D cryoelectron microscopy datasets of rhinovirus complexed with antibodies. In the
first dataset, the antibodies were cleaved at the hinge region, allowing
the Fc region of the antibodies to dissociate from the virus particles
and leaving only the Fab fragments bound to the virus. For the second
dataset, this treatment was avoided and additional density was made
apparent. The additional density likely
corresponds to the hinge region of the antibody. The Fc portion of
the IgG is still not visible in the second dataset, apparently because it
is too mobile to produce reinforcement in the enhancement stage.
A morph is a combination of a cross-dissolve and the movement of pixels
in order to simulate a smooth transition between the start and end
images. This type of special effect is popular in movies and on TV (e.g.
a man turning into a wolf or panther).
The data displayed were derived from computer image reconstruction of
cryo-electron micrographs.
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© 1994 Tom Smith( Purdue University /
Last Modified March 02, 1998