The Biology of AIDS: Course Syllabus
BSC 4933, University of South Florida
The Biology of AIDS
Spring - 1994
D. D. Dunigan
Class Time and Place
Tuesday/Thursday, 3:30 - 4:45 pm, LIF 272
Instructor's Office
BSF 133
Office Hours
Tuesday, 5 - 6 pm/Thursday, 1 - 3 pm
Required Materials
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, USF Bookstore
- Dunigan, DD (1994) The Biology of AIDS, Pro-Copy
Application for Public Health Service Grant, Pro-Copy
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental problems associated with the biology of AIDS. These problems include: 1) understanding the nature and transmission patterns of the etiological agent(s); 2) understanding associated opportunistic infections and cancers; 3) understanding how to measure the disease and the associated treatments; 4) understanding current strategies for treatment, the associated problems and the prospects for new treatments; and 5) understanding methods of prevention. This course is not designed to address the the sociological, economical or legal aspects of AIDS; however, selected topics in these areas will be addressed by regional experts.
The course format will include lectures and student-initiated discussions based on the assigned reading materials. The lectures will be enhanced by the participation of regional experts in the fields of microbiology, immunology, epidemiology and clinical therapy. Students will be expected to be active learners.
The final grade will be based, in part, on assigned writing projects, one major term paper and a term journal. The "term journal" will consist of personal responses to the assigned readings and lectures for the preceding week, and will consist of approximately 250 words per week maintained in a two-hole tab binder. The "major term paper" will simulate a grant proposal using the National Institutes of Health format. These proposals will be student-initiated and researched. Additional writing assignments will include critiques of fellow students' proposals.
Assignment Points
Localization of AIDS-related materials 5
Critique #1 10/5
Critique #2 10/5
Proposal 40
Journal 25
Bonus 10
Syllabus, The Biology of AIDS
1/6/94, USF-Tampa
Jan. 6
Course Logistics
Dynamics of HIV Disease/AIDS
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Introduction, xxi-xxxii)
Jan. 12
Overview of the Pathogenesis of HIV: What Are the Major Questions?
- Jasny, BR (1993) Editorial (AIDS 1993: Unanswered questions), Science 260: 1219
- Cohen, J (1993) Special News Report Science 260: 1254-1265
- Cohen, J (1993) Somber news from the AIDS front, Science 260: 1712-1713
Jan. 14
Team Assignments
- Introduction to Retrovirus Biology and Replication Gallo, RC (1986) The first human retrovirus, Scientific American 255(6): 88-98
- Varmus, H (1987) Reverse transcription, Scientific American 257(3): 56-64
Jan. 19
Introduction to the Immune System
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 1, 1-29)
- Nossal, GJV (1993) Life, death and the immune system, Scientific American 269(3): 52-62
- Weissman, IL and Cooper, MD (1993) How the immune system develops, Scientific American 269(3): 65-71
- Janeway, CA (1993) How the immune system recognizes invaders, Scientific American 269(3): 73-79
Jan. 21
Discussion Session: Selecting Proposal Topics; Team Functions; Writing a Grant Proposal
- Application for Public Health Service Grant
Jan. 25
Introduction to Retroviruses
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 2, 32-66)
- Gallo, RC (1987) The AIDS virus, Scientific American 256(1): 46-56
Jan. 27
Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Replication and Regulation of HIV Expression
- Wong-Staal, F (1991) Human immunodefiency viruses and their replication, Fundamental Virology, 2nd Edition, Ed. B.N. Fields and D.M. Knipe, Raven Press, Ltd., New York, 709-723.
Feb. 1
Evolution of HIV
- Essex, M and Kanki, PJ (1988) The origins of the AIDS virus, Scientific American 259(4): 64-71
- Delwart, EL et al. (1993) Genetic relationships determined by a DNA heteroduplex mwility assay: Analysis of HIV-env genes, Science 262: 1257-1261
- Eigen, M (1993) Viral quasispecies, Scientific American 269(1): 42-49
Feb. 3
HIV Replication: Additive or Synergistic Effects of Co-factors
- Greene, WC (1993) AIDS and the immune system, Scientific American 269(3): 99-105
Feb. 8
Introduction to the Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 6, 156-194)
Feb. 10
Discussion Session: Proposal Reviews
Feb. 15
DEADLINE: Proposal 1st Draft
HIV Transmission; Testing for HIV
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 7, 195-226)
- Mullis, KB (1990) The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction, Scientific American 262(4): 56-65
- Patterson, BK et al. (1993) Detection of HIV-1 and messenger RNA in individual cells by PCR-driven in situ hybridization and flow cytometry, Science 260: 976-979
- Merson, MH (1993) Slowing the spread of HIV: Agenda for the 1990s, Science 260: 1266-1268
Feb. 17
HIV Transmission: The Dental Perspective
- Gruninger, SE et al. (1992) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection among dentists, Journal of the American Dental Association 123: 57-64
Feb. 22
DEADLINE: Team Review Critique Due
Prevalence of HIV Infection Inside and Outside of the United States
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapters 8 & 9, 227-282)
- Anderson, RM and May, RM (1992) Understanding the AIDS pandemic, Scientific American 266(5): 58-66
Feb. 24
Prevention of HIV Infection
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 7, 195-226)
Mar. 1
Materials for Prevention of HIV Infection
Mar. 3
Discussion Session: Pathogenesis
- Fauci, AS (1993) Multifactorial nature of human immunodefiency virus disease: Implications for therapy, Science 262: 1011-1018
- Gougeon, M-L and Montagnier, L (1993) Apoptosis in AIDS, Science 260" 1269-1270
- Weiss RA (1993) How does HIV cause AIDS? Science 260: 1273-1279
Mar. 8
DEADLINE: Proposal 2nd Draft
Introduction to Vaccine Development
- Lerner, RA (1983) Synthetic vaccines, Scientific American 248(2): 66-74
Mar. 10
HIV Prophylactic Vaccine Development
- Matthews, TJ and Bolognesi, DP (1988) AIDS vaccines, Scientific American 259(4): 120-127
- Salk, J et al. (1993) A strategy for prophylactic vaccination against HIV, Science 260: 1270-1272
- Haynes, BF (1993) Scientific and social issues of human immunodeficiency virus vaccine development, Science 260: 1279-1286
Mar. 22
Opportunistic Infections and Cancers Associated
with HIV Infection
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 3, 67-91)
Mar. 24
DEADLINE: Experts Review Critique
Clinical Indicators of HIV Infection and AIDS
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 4, 92-115)
Mar. 29
Introduction to AIDS Dementia
Mar. 31
Discussion Session: HIV Infection/AIDS the Clinical Picture
Apr. 5
Therapy for HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections: Biochemical Basis
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 5, 116-155)
- Cohen, J (1993) T cell shift: Key to AIDS therapy? Science 262: 175-176
Apr. 7
Therapy for HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections: Clinical Picture
- Johnston, MI and Hoth, DF (1993) Present status and future prospects for HIV therapies, Science 260: 1286-1293
Apr. 12
Pediatric HIV Disease: Vertical Transmission
Apr. 14
Pediatric AIDS: Clinical Drug Trials
Apr. 19
HIV Infection/AIDS: The Legal Dimension
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapter 14, 392-430)
Apr. 21
DEADLINE: Proposal Final Draft
HIV Infection/AIDS: The Social Dimension
- Stine, GJ (1993) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Biological, Medical, Social and Legal Issues, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (Chapters 12 & 13, 345-391)
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© 1994 Dr. David Dunigan. University of South Florida.
Last Modified October 13, 1994