Put Your Virology Course Online

If you teach a course in virology, you can save a "hypersyllabus" online on the WWW server for Virology. You choose supplemental exercises from our server (or anywhere else on the World Wide Web) to correspond with your lecture topics. If you have additional questions, you can contact Stephan Spencer, the WWW site administrator (sspencer@netconcepts.com). Please allow three working days for your hypersyllabus to be made publicly available on the server.

Any fields left blank will be omitted from the final document.

Course Title:

Instructor's Full Name:

Instructor's Email address:

Course Description:

Course Requirements:

Every document on the World Wide Web is referenced by its URL (uniform resource locator). What do you want the filename of your hypersyllabus to be, as it will be referenced on the Web? (e.g. if you entered Biochem666.html, the URL to your document would be http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/hypersyllabus/Biochem666.html. Remember, no spaces, not more than 20 characters long, and don't forget to add the .html suffix.

(Necessary if you wish to edit this document at a later date)

When ready to begin filling in your lecture topics and choosing supplementary exercises, press this button: .

To clear the form, press this button: .

Go to the top page

Last Modified March 02, 1998