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my face!
with hair

Jean-Yves Sgro
Associate Scientist
Institute for Molecular Virology
University of Wisconsin 1525 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 USA

Madison aerial view |Lake Mendota
Star Trek Costume!
without hair

Good evening ... | Bonsoir ...

<-- applet codebase="tppjava" tppabs="http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/java/ticker/" code="NavigatorTicker11.class" tppabs="http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/java/ticker/NavigatorTicker11.class" width=510 height=25 -->

Sorry, you're not running a java enabled browser, otherwise you'd see scrolling words here...: " Welcome to my home page! ------ Bienvenue sur ma page personelle!..."

<--param name=linkco value="135,206,250"-->

My Page on
Molecular Biology
on the Web

  • Guide To Resources In Biology - UW-Madison Libraries
  • Basic Sciences Research Site - U-Washington
  • My Molecular Graphics on Desktop Computers

    icon On-line Tutorial

    with commented RasMol examples and excercises!

    Amino Acids and Protein Structure:

  • Color slides from Dr. Sgro's lecture on protein structure:
    2 alpha motifs | all alpha | all beta 1 | all beta 2 | alpha/beta 1 | alpha/beta 2 | alpha/beta 3 |
  • On-line protein course

  • 3D rendering images of viruses

    Polio1 Mahoney Animated Gif file here
    Polio1 Mahoney

    My images on books and magazine covers.

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    Currency Converter-Calculateur de Monnaies Étrangères

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    The meaning of my name
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    Eat&Be Happy!

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    20 September 1995: Netscape at the Institute: What's in it for you ?

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    Menus Spring semester 96
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