Magnoliidae: Laurales. The Lauraceae are nearly all woody trees and shrubs comprising
30 to 50 genera and about 2,000 species. An exception is the vining, leafless, parasitic
genus Cassytha. The leaves are simple, without stipules, and usually alternate. The
flowers are actinomorphic, usually bisexual, and possess a perianth of six, basally
connate sepallike segments. The androecium most frequently comprises 4 whorls of 3 stamens
each, although the inner whorls are often sterile. The filaments of the inner whorl
usually have a pair of enlarged glandular appendages near the base. The anthers dehisce by
means of commonly 4, upwardly opening flaps. The single simple pistil has a usually
superior ovary with a single pendulous ovule in a solitary locule. The fruit is a berry or
a drupe, often surrounded basally by the short, persistent perianth cup. Unlike other
Magnoliidae, the endosperm is completely absorbed by the embryo in Lauraceae.
Each "thumbnail" image below is linked to a larger photograph.
Cinnamomum burmannii, cinnamon, padang cassia. Note the 6 perianth segments,
the large yellow glands on the inner filaments, and the pale yellow anther flaps on the
outer stamens. |
Cinnamomum zeylanicum, cinnamon. Note the persistent perianth cup at the base
of the fruit. |
Umbellularia californica, California bay leaf. Note 6 perianth segments, large
yellow glands on inner filaments, and conspicuous flaps on anthers. |
Persea americana, avocado. Note the trimerous nature of the flowers and the
conspicuous glands on the staminal filaments. |
Cassytha filiformis, kauna'oa pehu. This exceptional Hawaiian native member of
the family is a stem parasite that survives by attaching itself to other plants. Notice
the twine-like, orange stems and small round fruits. The stems are sometimes green, as
seen in the lower photo. Although very small, the flowers are typical for the family,
including the anthers that open by flaps. The anthers are greenish and the flaps are white
in this flower. |
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