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NOTE: image and movie files here are from authors outside our Institute. For reproduction permissions please contact the respective authors directly - JYS

Herpes Simplex Virus-1 A-capsid from 400kV Spot-scan Electron Cryomicroscopy


Z. H. Zhou, B.V.V Prasad, J. Jakana, F.R. Rixon, W. Chiu Baylor College of Medicine, Journal of Molecular Biology

See updated version and animations from Zhou's page at:


(c) 1994 Zhou et al. Baylor College of Medicine

EM images with envelope available at:


Herpesvirus (entire particle) solved by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction

MPEG version (1186K)
Quicktime version (1382K)


nimh.nih.gov [ ] as : pub/nih-image/HerpesVirusMovie.sit.bin

The author of the original movie is Benes L. Trus, Ph.D. (E-mail: trus@ipalph.dcrt.nih).


3-D computer reconstruction from cryo-electron micrographs of herpes simplex virus capsids. Research by scientists at the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. The reconstructions were calculated on DEC-VAX computers using programs supplied by Purdue University. Reference: "Liquid-Crystalline,Phage-like Packing of Encapsidated DNA in Herpes Simplex Virus", by F.P.Booy, W.W.Newcomb, B.L.Trus, J.C.Brown, T.S.Baker, and A.C.Steven, in CELL, Vol 64 pp 1007-1015, March 8, 1991.

Here is the summary of the article cited above -JYS-


The organization of DNA within the HSV-1 capsid has been determined by cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction. Purified C-capsids, which are fully packaged, were compared with A-capsids, which are empty. Unlike A-capsids, C-capsids show fine striations and punctate arrays with a spacing of ~2.6 nm. The packaged DNA forms a uniformly dense ball, extending radially as far as the inner surface of the icosahedral (T=16) capsid shell, whose structure is essentially identical in A-capsids and in C-capsids. Thus we find no evidence of the inner T=4 shell previously reported by Schrag et al. [*SchragJD, Venkataram Prasad BV, Rixon FJ, and Chiu W. (1989). Three-dimensinal structure of the HSV1 nucleocapsid. Cell 56,651-660)*added by JYS] to be present in C-capsids. Encapsidated HSV-1 DNA closely resembles that previously visualized in bacteriophages T4 and _lamda_, thus supporting the idea of a close parallelism between the respective assembly pathways of a major family of animal viruses (the herpesviruses) and a major family of bacterial viruses.

The original file in the Macintosh "Image" format has been translated into a QuickTime movie. The steps were to save the original file from withins Image as a PICS file, then the PICS file was converted to QuickTime with the settings set to 8 frames per second, 1 key-frame every 8 frames, and the compression called Apple-Graphics, Grayscale with the Most quality. I tried the JPEG option and the file size was just 3k more... but the image did not look as sharp.

Published on the Internet. Reproduction granted for educational purposes.

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1991 Trus et al.

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Last Modified November 10, 1998