Congresses, Meetings, Seminars
A non-exhaustive list.
- On-going
- Keystone Symposia Conferences
- http://www.colorado.net/symposia
- December 10-12, 1999
- II International Symposium on Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses
- Location: Grand Caymena, Cayman Islands, British West Indies
- Contact:The Macrae Group. 230 East 79th Street Suite 8E
New York, New York 10021
- Telephone: (212) 988-7732 FAX (212) 717-1222
- E-mail: macaegrp@btinternet.com
- February 5-8, 2000
- Update 2000-Clinical Management of Viral Infections"
- Location:Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
- URLs: www.viridae.com
- May 25-31, 2000
- EUROPIC 2000
- (XIth meeting of the European Study Group on Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses)
- Location: Zagare Bay (Gargano) ITALY
- Contact: Prof. R. Pérez Bercoff, Dept. Cell. & Develop. Biol.,
Viale di Porta Tiburtina 28, 00185-ROME (Italy), FAX: +39 06 446 2306
- e-mail: bercoff@caspur.it
- URLs: http://www.europic2000.it/
- July 8-12, 2000
- American Society for VirologyAnnual meeting
- Location: Colorado State University Fort Collins,
Fort Collins Colorado
- Contact: Dr. James DeMartini
- Fall 2000
- 7th International Symposium on dsRNA viruses
- Location: The Caribbean
- Contact:
- May28-June02 2001
- 6th International Symposium on Positive Strand RNA Viruses
- Location: Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
- URLs: http://biology.gsu.edu/virology/
- Contact:Vincent Deubel
- July 21-25, 2001
- American Society for Virology Annual meeting
- Location: University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison Wisconsin
- Held at: Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
(Frank Lloyd Wright-designed building)
- Contact: TBA
- E-mail: TBA
- URL: http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/asv