Virology-related News and Journal Articles
- Hepatitis C info on the Web
- Global Programme on AIDS Newsletter
- Influenza Activity During 1994-1995 Season as of 25 October 1994
Stalking The Deadly Hantavirus: A Study In Teamwork
(from The Scientist, Jul. 11, 1994)
The Life and Times of the Hantaviruses
(from The Scientist, Jul. 11, 1994)
Hantavirus Video [announcement]
AIDS Research Progress Stymied By Narrow Focus, Critics
(from The Scientist, Jul. 11, 1994)
International Society For Vaccines Makes Its Debut, Planning To
Address Needs Of A Maturing Discipline
(from The Scientist, Jul. 11, 1994)
HIV and AIDS [letter]
(from The Scientist, Jul. 11, 1994)
Smallpox Extermination Proposal Stirs Scientists
(from The Scientist, Nov. 14, 1994).
One Year Later, The Hantavirus Investigation Continues
(from The Scientist, Jul. 25, 1994).
- Scene is Set for Destruction of Smallpox Virus (WHO/65)
- Tuberculosis, HIV on Collision Course in Asia (WHO/63)
- Technical Advisory Meeting on Implications of The Newly Identified HIV-1 Subtype O Viruses for HIV Diagnosis (WHO/50)
- Oral Vaccines Against Canine Rabies: WHO Announces World's First Field Tests (WHO/49)
- Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: WHO Responds to a Global Threat (WHO/37)
- "HIV Vaccine Development at Crossroads", Says WHO Director of AIDS Research (WHO/30)
- Poliomyelitis Eradication: 141 Polio-Free Countries Reported in 1993 (WHO/29)
Macrophage-tropic HIV - critical for AIDS
pathogenesis? (from Immunology Today, 1994).
Communicating Information about
Virus Structure and Biology Via the World Wide Web (from the Advance Proceedings of the
Second International World Wide Web Conference, 1994)