Ebola Recommended Reading List
If you know of an article or other document relating to recent Ebola outbreaks, please contact us with the URL. Thanks!
"Marburg and Ebola" chapter, The Encyclopedia of Virology CDROM
"Outbreak of Fear" Newsweek, May 22, 1995
"Viral hemorrhagic fever in southern Sudan and Northern Zaire" by Bowen et al., Lancet, vol. 1, pp 571-573 (1977)
"Management of patients with suspected viral hemorrhagic fever," CDC-Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Supp. 37/S-3, pp 1-16 (1988)
"Update: Ebola-related filovirus infection in nonhuman primates and interim guidelines for handling nonhuman primates during transit and quarantine," CDC- Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report,
vol. 39, pp 22-4 & 29-30 (1990)
"Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories" by the CDC/NIH, HHS Publication No.CDC-1993, 3rd Edition
Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever Videos for health workers and the general public, World Health Organization (WHO) video (1997)
"Epidemiologic investigation of Marburg virus disease, Southern Africa, 1975" by Conrad, et al., Am. J.Trop. Med. Hyg., vol. 27, pp 1210-1215 (1978)
"Molecular biology and evolution of filoviruses" by Feldmann et al., Arch.Virol (supp), vol. 7, pp 81-100 (1993)
William T. Close. Ebola.
Laurie Garret. The Coming Plague. (chapter on ebola)
"Association of Ebola-related Reston virus particles and antigen with tissue lesions of
monkeys imported to the United States" by Geisbert et al., J. Comp. Path., vol. 106, pp 137-152 (1992)
"Preliminary Report: isolation of Ebola virus from monkeys imported to USA" by Jahrling et al.,
Lancet, vol. 335, pp 502-05 (1990)
"Isolation and partial characterization of a new virus causing acute hemorrhagic fever in Zaire" by Johnson, et al., Lancet, vol. 1, pp 569-571 (1977)
"Agent of disease contracted from green monkeys" by Kissling et al., Science, vol. 160, pp 888-890 (1968)
Joseph B. McCormick and Susan Fisher-Hoch. "Virus Hunters of the CDC".
"Infectious Diseases" by Frederick A. Murphy, Advances in Virus Research,
vol. 43.
"Pathology of Ebola virus infection" by F.A. Murphy, Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic fever
(ed. by Pattyn, Elsevier/North Holland, Amsterdam), pp 37-42 (1978)
"Marburg virus morphology and taxonomy" by F.A. Murphy, Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic fever
(ed. by Pattyn, Elsevier/North Holland, Amsterdam), pp 61-82 (1978).
"Marburg virus infection in monkeys" by Murphy et al. Lab. invest., '71, vol. 24, pp 279-291 (1971)
"Filoviruses as Emerging Pathogens" by C.J. Peters et al., Seminars in Virology, vol. 5, pp 147-154 (1994)
"Filoviruses" by C.J. Peters et al., Chapt.15 in Emerging Viruses (ed. by S. Morse, Oxford
University Press, New York), pp 159-75 (1991)
Richard Preston. Esquire. July/August 1993.
"The Hot Zone." Scientific American, vol. 271, pp 114 (Nov. 1994).
Richard Preston. The Hot Zone (sensationalized. critical review)
David Quammen. "You Can Run: Emerging viruses in the global village"
Discover Apr 1994.
"Sequence analysis of the Ebola virus genome: organization, genetic elements, and
comparison with Marburg" by Sanchez et al., Virus Res., vol. 29, pp 215-240 (1993).
Zinsser. MICROBIOLOGY, 20th ed. pages 1031-1033. (has a section on Ebola and about 10 references-books, journal articles, and WHO bulletins)
"Firsthand clinical observations of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Zaire" Rev. Inf. Dis., vol. 11, pp S-790-793 (1989)
Isolation and Phylogenetic Characterization of Ebola Viruses Causing Different Outbreaks in Gabon, Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, vol. 3 no. 1, (Jan.-Mar. 1997)
Experimental Inoculation of Plants and Animals with Ebola Virus, Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, vol. 2 no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1996)
Reemergence of Ebola Virus in Africa, Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, vol. 1 no. 3 (Jul.-Sep. 1995)
New Yorker Oct. 26, 1992 (on the Reston-Ebola)
The TV newsmagazine 48 Hrs did a show on ebola and hanta virus
called "Into the Danger Zone"
"The Apocalypse Bug" - May 14, 1995 on CNN
Virus Ground Zero by Ed Regis
See the Ebola Outbreaks Updates page for additional articles and press releases