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Rhinovirus 14 radially depth cued with antigenic sites highlighted

Quicktime version (1288K)
Animated GIF version (625K) (every other frame)


Rhinovirus 14 (radially depth cued by blue colors) with Antigenic (NIMs) sites (magenta) The movie shows a viral particle rotating 360 degrees and looping.

The images were created on a Silicon Graphics computer runing the molecular graphics program GRASP.

Previous Version

MPEG version (549K)
Quicktime version (1138K)


Rhinovirus 14 (radially depth cued by blue colors) with Antigenic (NIMs) sites (magenta) The movie (created on a Macintosh computer) shows a viral particle rotating 360 degrees and looping.

The images were created on a Silicon Graphics computer runing the MIDAS-PLUS molecular graphics package and screen-captured.

The data displayed were derived from X-ray coordinates (BrookHeaven PDB file pdb4rhv.ent deposited 25Jan1988 by E.Arnold and M.G. Rossmann.) using Michael Conolly's MS program and the spline programs kindly provided by Nathalie Colloc'h, Université de Jussieu, Paris.

Created April 1993.

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© 1994 Jean-Yves Sgro. Institute for Molecular Virology/ jsgro@facstaff.wisc.edu

© 1994-1997 Stephan Spencer & Jean-Yves Sgro. Web Design By Internet Concepts LLC


Last Modified May 04, 1999