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Imagemap for the Institute for Molecular Virology
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Developing a Virology Course

In the Literature

  • M.A. Sulzinski. The tobacco mosaic virus: a safe introduction to virology. The Science Teacher (May 1992) 59:42-5.


Submitting a syllabus

Choose the method that is easiest for you.
  • Submit your syllabus via FTP. This is preferred method. Be sure to save your syllabus as a text file from within your word processor. Then, FTP to rhino.bocklabs.wisc.edu and place the document in the donor_uploads directory, or...
  • Email your syllabus to sspencer@netconcepts.com, or...
  • If you are unable to utilize the first two methods, and there is no computer support person available at your institution to assist you with FTP or Email, I will accept a disk containing your syllabus. Please, if it all possible, go into your word processor and save the document as a text file beforehand. Send to:

    Stephan Spencer
    Institute for Molecular Virology
    University of Wisconsin
    Room 627 Bock Labs
    1525 Linden Drive
    Madison, Wisconsin 53706 -USA-

(Hopefully in the not too distant future a mechanism will exist from within Mosaic for uploading a document.)

© 1994-1997 Stephan Spencer & Jean-Yves Sgro. Web Design By Internet Concepts LLC


Last Modified October 15, 1998