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A directory of acronyms

ACIAR: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
ANBG: Australian National Botanic Gardens
BGCI: Botanic Gardens Conservation International
CEAMISH: Centro de Educacion Ambiental e Investigacion Sierra de Huautla
CEC: Commission on Education and Communication
CEE: Centre for Environment Education
CES: Centre for Ecological Sciences
CI: Conservation International
CIKARD: Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development
CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CMC: Conservation Media Center
DENR: Department of Environment and Natural Resources
ECoSA: Education and Communication for Sustainability in Africa
ECT: Ethnobiology and Conservation Team
EE: Environmental Education
ENDA: Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde
EPD: Environment, Population, Education and Information for Development
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation

FPH: Foundation Charles Leopold Mayer for the Progress of Humanity
FRLHT: Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions
ICCE: International Centre for Conservation Education
IEEP: International Environmental Education Programme
IK: Indigenous Knowledge
INCUPO: Instituto de Cultura Popular
INEE: International Network in Environmental Education
INMEDGERN: Indian Medicinal Plants Genetic Resources Network
INMEDPLAN: Indian Medicinal Plants Distributed Databases Network
IPGRI: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
IRC: Indian Research Center
IRDC: International Rural Development Centre
IUCN: The World Conservation Union (formerly the International Union for the Conservation of Natureand Natural Resources)
KDCA: Kadazan Dusun Cultural AssociationMAB: Man and the Biosphere Programme (UNESCO)
NCEET: National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training
NGO: Non-Governmental Organization
NSF: National Science Foundation

NTFP: Non-Timber Forest Product
ODA: Overseas Development Administration
ODI: Overseas Development Institute
PAWB: Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
PBR: Peoples’ Biodiversity Register
PEMASKY: Programa de Ecologia para el Manejo de Areas Silvestres Kuna Yala
PPH: People and Plants Handbook
PROAFT: Programa de Accion Forestal Tropical
SABONET: Southern African Botanical Diversity Network
SASEANEE: South and Southeast Asia Network for Environmental Education
TVE: International Television Trust for the Environment
UNAH: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras
UNAM: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
UNAN: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua
UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
USAID: US Agency for International Development
WCI: Wildlife Conservation International
WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature


Who are we? A list of contributors

A broad range of people from various countries and academic backgrounds collaborate on the People and Plants Handbook. Here’s a key to the initials found in the preceding pages:ABC is Anthony B. (Tony) Cunningham, African regional coordinator of the People and Plants Initiative. He studied natural resource management and rural sociology, and is now based in Betty’s Bay, South Africa.

ALH is Alison Hoare, a botanist from the UK and associate editor of the Handbook. Working at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, she has been largely responsible for gathering information for the Handbook and writing the summaries.

GJM is Gary J. Martin, an anthropologist and botanist from the USA, is general editor of the Handbook and regional coordinator for Southeast Asia of the People and Plants Initiative.

SD is Steve Davis who is in charge of SEPASAL (Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands), a database on useful plants from dry lands, housed within the Centre for Economic Botany at Kew Gardens.

YA is Yildiz Aumeeruddy, regional coordinator for the Himalayas of the People and Plants Initiative from Mauritius. A French citizen as well, she resides in Montpellier, where she is attached to the Institut de Botanique.


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